Instant lightening

Do you suffer from pigmentation issues? Solution with Japan’s nano-technology-based Forled products.

Skin discoloration, wrinkles, dryness, and age spots are all signs of skin aging. However, nanotechnology can be used in cosmetics to successfully combat them. Kadon’s Japanese ForLED treatment regulates melanin production to noticeably lighten the skin and reduce or eliminate it and hyperpigmentation. Tissue respiration is improved and the production of essential ingredients in the skin is stimulated and the appearance of the skin is significantly improved.Hyalogy BW Concentrate Serum used in the treatment helps regulate melanin production, as it contains lightening ingredients, including innovative ingredients such as peptides -34 and -68, phenylethylresorcinol, superoxide-desmutase.This product is essential for all skin types that suffer from premature signs of aging. It is highly recommended for oily and pigmented skin as well as saggy, tired skin. This treatment improves biostimulation, sculpting and toning, resulting in a healthier, younger and fresher appearance of the skin. skin tone becomes even and radiant after only 3-4 sessions

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